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About Us

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In the 21st century, far too many people are trapped in the darkness of sex trafficking and homelessness. Frontline Response, a Christian-based non-profit headquartered in the heart of Atlanta, serves on the frontlines every day rescuing men and women out of sex trafficking and homelessness; and preventing the most vulnerable in society, our children, from falling victim.


Founded in 2003 by Pastor Paul Palmer and his wife Patty, the Atlanta Dream Center originally began with a heart for the frontlines – always to seek a need and meet it. Since incorporating in 2010, the now called Frontline Response has assisted nearly 1,500 victims out of sex trafficking and transitioned over 1,000 men, women, and children out of homelessness. In 2018, the organization added youth prevention to its mission and has provided prevention programming to more than 600 youth facing adversity in overlooked communities throughout Metro Atlanta.


Frontline Response has developed a prototype for outreach, rescue, and emergency safe housing in the fight against sex trafficking that is sought after nationally. The organization has provided training to law enforcement, fire departments, emergency rooms, and judges; has helped lead anti-trafficking efforts around large events including Super Bowls and NASCAR; and has advocated for state legislative and policy changes that have seen Georgia rise from the grade of a “C” to having the 4th best laws in the nation, according to Shared Hope International. Frontline Response holds a Platinum Level ranking from GuideStar, the world’s largest source of information on nonprofit organizations, and serves under the leadership of an 11-member Board of Directors comprised of business leaders throughout greater Atlanta.

Out of Darkness

Out of Darkness is the anti-trafficking ministry of Frontline Response, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.


Out of Darkness Middle Georgia is the first chapter affiliated with the Atlanta Out of Darkness ministry and is focused on reaching victims of the sex trafficking industry in the Macon-Warner Robins areas and surrounding Middle Georgia counties.


Out of Darkness is on the frontlines every day rescuing these individuals.

When people are rescued out of sex trafficking, they can begin to walk out God’s purpose for their lives and become a beacon of light for others.


Commercial exploitation may take the form of stripping, pornography, survival sex, prostitution, or sex trafficking.


As early as 2006, human trafficking was already the second largest criminal enterprise in the world (2nd only to the drug trade) and is the fastest growing.


We must devote the same, if not MORE, energy and resources as the traffickers do

in stopping this exploitation; seeing as they devote 100% of their efforts to this "industry" while continuing to net billions of dollars each year at the physical, emotional and spiritual expense of these women.


Our precious girls, boys, and women are NOT commodities to be bought or sold.


We are excited about you joining the fight!

Our Purpose

To be ambassadors for Jesus Christ, with God making His appeal through us for the world to be reconciled to Him.


"Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us.  We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God."  2 Corinthians 5:20 ESV


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