Princess Night
Princess Night participants prepare roses for the night's outreach
Every day, women and young girls in Middle Georgia sell their bodies, just to survive.
Out of Darkness’ Princess Night outreach is working to break this cycle of sex trafficking,
one Princess at a time; by going into areas where sex trafficking takes place.
Several Friday evenings each month, Princess Night volunteers share a message of God’s love, hope, and restoration with every precious Princess encountered.
Through consistent outreach, relationships are built and trust is established,
ultimately offering each woman an opportunity to escape the bondage of sex slavery and embrace physical and spiritual freedom.
Those who accept the offer to leave are rescued from the streets and presented with a new life -one marked not by ashes, but by love and beauty in God through Jesus Christ.
Volunteers meet on those Friday evenings at 8:00 p.m. and after training and prayer
go to areas of street prostitution
to hand out roses and handwritten cards of encouragement and scripture.
The ladies and affirmed that they are loved and and that they are beautiful,
and are asked if there is anything we can pray with them about.
We then ensure they receive our 24/7 hotline phone number
which can be called anytime to be rescued.
To participate in Princess Night, volunteers must be at least 18 years of age.
Use the button below to sign up for Princess Night and be a part of this exciting ministry!